Case Management At Spring Hill

Due to the nature of addiction and its impact on behavior, its effects are varied and often pervasive in a person’s life. At Spring Hill, comprehensive case management services provide the necessary resources and support for a variety of issues so that you can focus on your recovery.

What Is Case Management For Addiction?

Case management is an aspect of person-centered care for addiction recovery that is proven to improve treatment outcomes. Provided by healthcare professionals, this specialty practice connects clients with critical resources in support of their recovery and helps ensure that clients’ needs are addressed throughout the treatment process.

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Case Management At Spring Hill

Our case management team works collaboratively with each client to develop comprehensive support based on individual needs while also providing client advocacy. Onsite seven days a week, and meeting with each client at least once a week, we work closely with clients to establish support and monitor progress for optimal outcomes. Our case management team can help with the following and more:

  • Employer communications, including LOA/FMLA/PFML/disability forms, letters of presence in treatment, etc.
  • Legal issues
  • Daily living activities, such as arranging transportation when needed, ordering a new book on Amazon, etc.
  • Primary care, ongoing care, and other healthcare connections

Our case managers also work with patient liaisons to help ensure that each client at Spring Hill feels welcome and supported throughout their stay.

As the end of your treatment approaches, your case manager will make recommendations for the next steps in your care and help set up the next steps for a smooth transition. This may include outpatient therapy, primary care appointments, sober living housing, MAT follow-up appointments, PHP or IOP, and more. Recommendations take into consideration your health insurance plan and coverage.

Start The Path To Recovery Today

If you are ready to take the first steps toward recovery, or if you want to learn more about Spring Hill’s comprehensive, personalized treatment approach, please call to speak with one of our care specialists.

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

Published on: December 30, 2024

© 2025 Spring Hill Recovery | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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