How Long Does Flexeril Stay in Your System?

Do you take Flexeril as a muscle relaxant? If you take this drug to treat stiff and painful muscles, then you may be wondering how long it can stay in your system. 

More than 10 million people took workplace drug tests in 2018. You could be one of them. Drug tests can happen routinely, randomly, or as a result of an accident. If you’re subjected to drug tests at work, it’s natural to wonder if any drugs you’re taking might show up. 

The next question is “how long does Flexeril stay in your system?” We have the answers. Whether you take Flexeril by prescription or recreationally, here’s what you should know: 

How Long Does Flexeril Work?

You start feeling the body and brain effects of Flexeril within 20 to 30 minutes of taking it by mouth. They include: 

  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Headache 
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Nausea 
  • Pain relief

Flexeril doesn’t typically cause euphoria or a “high” at normal doses. 

Your body starts eliminating the drug from your body right away. Around the three- or four-hour mark Flexeril peaks in your system. You’ll start to feel the effects less and less over time until they’re gone. The effects of Flexeril last for a duration of four to six hours. 

However, even when the effects are gone you can still test positive for Flexeril on a lab test. How long it lasts depends on the type of test. 

How Long Does Flexeril Stay in Lab Tests?

The length of time Flexeril shows up on a screening depends on: 

  • The type of drug test: Flexeril appears in lab tests for different lengths of time. Hair tests can find Flexeril for the longest period, while blood tests only work for a brief period.
  • Your Flexeril use habits: Using Flexeril in large amounts or very often can cause it to stay in your system for longer. If you use Flexeril short-term (or as directed by your doctor) then it’s less likely to stick around for a long time. Frequency of use matters and so does dosage.
  • Your health: People who are healthy tend to process drugs faster. Specifically, your kidney and liver health matter. Kidney and liver damage makes it harder for drugs to leave your bloodstream.
  • Your metabolism: The faster your metabolism, the more likely it that you’ll process Flexeril fast. This depends on factors like your age, weight, height, and genetics. Your lifestyle also matters, such as eating and exercise habits. 

These factors are not the same for everyone, so take any estimates as estimates only. Some people take longer or shorter to detox from Flexeril. 

How Long Does Flexeril Stay in Your Urine?

Flexeril is detectable in urine anywhere from three to eight days. This is the longest range of any test other than hair testing. Also, urine tests are the most common kind of employment drug test.  

That being said, it’s uncommon for employers to test for Flexeril. Muscle relaxers aren’t part of a standard drug panel for employment. 

You could be tested for Flexeril if there’s a direct reason to think you’re abusing it. But you won’t be randomly tested for Flexeril in most cases. 

How Long Does Flexeril Stay in Your Hair?

It’s not known how long Flexeril can stay in your hair. However, you won’t be hair tested for Flexeril whether it’s an employment drug test or legal-related.

As of 2019, there aren’t any hair tests or hair follicle tests on the market for Flexeril. The only options for detecting Flexeril are urine, blood, or saliva tests. 

How Long Does Flexeril Stay in Your Blood?

Flexeril can show up in a blood test for up to 3.75 days after you use it. That’s an average based on the drug’s half-life, but it can vary depending on your drug use habits and other factors. 

Blood tests for Flexeril are uncommon. You may get blood tested for Flexeril if you have a workplace accident and your employer needs to find out if you were under the influence. But a blood test typically won’t happen without cause. 

How Long Does Flexeril Stay in Your Saliva?

Flexeril can show up in your saliva for 36 hours after you use it. That being said, it’s not common to get a saliva test for Flexeril. 

If you’re getting a random swab test for work, then Flexeril won’t be on the panel. Like blood testing, saliva tests could be used if you end up in a workplace accident while on Flexeril. 

Can You Detox From Flexeril Faster?

You can’t control how long it takes to detox from Flexeril. However, stopping Flexeril too abruptly can actually make your detox take longer. 

The drug doesn’t cause withdrawal when you take it as directed. But when you abuse Flexeril, it can lead to psychological dependence. 

You can avoid feeling the effects of dependence by talking to your doctor about stopping Flexeril. 

Your doctor can help you come up with a plan to taper your Flexeril. Tapering the medication gradually can make it easier to come off it entirely. When you don’t taper, you might fail to come off the medication in time to detox. 

Get Treatment for Flexeril Abuse

Ready to quit abusing Flexeril? Spring Hill Recovery Center is here to help!

From talk therapy to medication-assisted treatment, we’ve got all the tools you need to come off Flexeril safely. 

Our treatments and therapies include: 

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This kind of therapy teaches you to recognize your drug abuse triggers so you can avoid them. 
  • Group therapy: Don’t underestimate the power of group healing! From 12 Steps to support groups, social support can be a huge part of recovery. 
  • Medication-assisted treatment: Drugs like Suboxone can be used to stop cravings for some drugs. 

Ready to make the commitment to recovery? Call Spring Hill Recovery Center today to set up your intake!

  1. Cordant Health Solutions. (2015). Drug reference chart: key facts about critical drugs. Retrieved from
  2. Fookes, C. (2019, October 7). Flexeril: 7 things you should know. Retrieved from
  3. Gibson, K. (2019, April 11). American workers testing positive for drug use climbs to 14-year high. Retrieved from
  4. Richards, K. (2008, April 28). How long does Flexeril stay in urine? Retrieved from

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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