Lowell, MA Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers

Lowell rehab centers offer treatment services for residents who struggle with substance abuse and addiction. Finding treatment for drug and alcohol abuse can be a critical step towards recovery. Learn more about Lowell drug and alcohol rehab centers and different types of treatment offered.

Drug and alcohol abuse is a life-threatening health issue that can require professional treatment to overcome. Finding Massachusetts-based drug and alcohol treatment can be a crucial step on the journey towards healing from addiction and entering recovery.

There are many different treatment options for overcoming substance abuse in Lowell, MA, including inpatient rehab, residential rehab, and outpatient treatment options.

Lowell, Massachusetts Drug And Alcohol Abuse

Massachusetts is one of the nation’s epicenters for the U.S. opioid crisis, consistently ranking as one of the top 10 states nationwide for drug overdose deaths.

In Lowell, Massachusetts, the county’s health department describes substance use disorders as an ongoing concern and top health priority.

Common substances of abuse include:

  • prescription opioids (e.g. fentanyl, oxycodone)
  • heroin
  • alcohol
  • marijuana
  • cocaine
  • stimulants
  • inhalants

Nearly 90 percent of Massachusetts’ drug overdose deaths involve opioids like fentanyl, which is a highly potent, synthetic opioid. The second-most common substance of abuse among residents who seek Massachusetts addiction rehab services is alcohol.

Importance Of Finding Treatment

Drug and alcohol addiction is a life-threatening illness that may require treatment on an outpatient or inpatient level. While entering treatment for addiction can mean putting life on hold, it, more importantly, gives you a chance to build a happier and healthier future.

Lowell rehab centers may offer a variety of treatment options suitable to meet the needs of people at various stages of the addiction recovery process. Some rehab centers may offer services and resources to address potential cost barriers or other treatment obstacles.

Lowell, MA Drug And Alcohol Treatment

Alcohol abuse and addiction was one of the most frequently reported issues among Greater Lowell residents in 2019, according to results from a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) survey.

In addition, opioid overdose death rates in Lowell are double the state’s rates, at 43.3 per 100,000 residents. Treatment admission rates in Lowell are also higher on average compared to statewide numbers.

With substance abuse an ongoing issue of concern in Lowell, Massachusetts, the city government has undertaken several efforts to prevent substance abuse among residents and reduce its harm.

These substance abuse prevention efforts include:

  • maintaining a Substance Abuse and Prevention division within the city’s health department
  • developing initiatives to combat stigma surrounding substance abuse and addiction
  • providing safe disposal options for needles, lancets, and unwanted medications
  • educational outreach to schools, community organizations, and youth and family-serving agencies

Greater Lowell also has three grant-funded coalitions focused on substance abuse prevention efforts that coordinate with the statewide Massachusetts Opioid Abuse Prevention Collaborative (MOAPC).

How To Choose A Rehab Center

Choosing the best Lowell treatment program for yourself or a loved one can be an intimidating process. There are many key elements that can be important to look for when choosing a rehab center.

When searching for addiction treatment in Lowell, consider trying to find a rehab center that can offer the following:

  • customized treatment approach: find substance abuse rehab that is custom-fit to meet the needs of yourself or a loved one
  • continuum of care: look for a rehab center that offers a continuity of care in their treatment programs
  • evidence-based treatment: evidence-based treatment approaches are proven to be more effective at helping people overcome addiction
  • wide array of treatment services: having access to a wide selection of addiction therapies can help patients pursue full mind-and-body recovery
  • relapse prevention planning: relapse prevention services can be useful to help patients maintain recovery following the completion of a treatment program

Rehab Centers In Lowell, Massachusetts

Addiction treatment options in Lowell, Massachusetts can come in the form of inpatient rehab, residential rehab, and outpatient treatment options. Understanding these different treatment options can help you determine the most suitable addiction rehab center for you or a loved one.

Alcohol And Drug Detox Centers

Lowell residents who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol may require acute detoxification services. Lowell alcohol and drug detox centers may offer 24-hour medical and behavioral support for initial symptoms of withdrawal, which can range from mild to severe.

Lowell, MA Inpatient Rehab Programs

Massachusetts inpatient rehab programs are live-in treatment programs that generally last 30 to 90 days. This is the highest level of care for people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Lowell inpatient rehab programs may offer individual and group counseling, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), relapse prevention, and more.

Outpatient Treatment For Addiction

Lowell outpatient treatment is a less-intensive treatment option that can offer Lowell residents more flexibility as they pursue addiction recovery.

Outpatient treatment may involve attending weekly counseling appointments, support groups, and checking in with a doctor or psychiatrist. Some Massachusetts rehab centers may also offer intensive outpatient treatment options.

Sober Living And Transitional Facilities

Sober living homes can offer Lowell residents crucial support as they transition from an inpatient or residential rehab program back into their home environment. Lowell sober living and transitional facilities may be most suitable for those who need recovery support, or for those who lack a supportive home environment.

Aftercare And Continuing Care

Some rehab centers in Lowell and surrounding areas offer a full continuum of care to ensure that people recovering from addiction have access to support throughout the treatment process. Aftercare planning can help prevent relapse and direct Lowell residents to addiction support resources in their communities.

Spring Hill Recovery Center Near Lowell, Massachusetts

Conquering addiction is an uphill battle. Finding the best treatment program for you or a loved one can aid you in this process.

At Spring Hill Recovery, our treatment team understands the difficulties people can face in overcoming addiction and maintaining recovery. We also understand the rewards of choosing a treatment program that is custom-fit to meet your physical, psychological, and emotional needs.

Spring Hill Recovery Centers are located across the state of Massachusetts, offering treatment services for residents who come from Lowell and other areas. Our Ashby rehab center is located less than an hour from Lowell, offering residential rehab and intensive outpatient treatment services.

For more information about our individualized treatment approach and wide array of addiction treatment services, contact Spring Hill Recovery today.

  1. The City of Lowell—Substance Abuse and Prevention https://www.lowellma.gov/1164/Substance-Use-and-Prevention
  2. Lowell General Hospital—2019 Greater Lowell Community Health Needs Assessment https://www.lowellgeneral.org/news-and-media/news/2019-greater-lowell-community-health-needs-assessment
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)—Massachusetts Opioid-Involved Deaths and Related Harms, Types of Treatment Programs https://www.drugabuse.gov/drug-topics/opioids/opioid-summaries-by-state/massachusetts-opioid-involved-deaths-related-harms
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)—Massachusetts Opioid-Involved Deaths and Related Harms, Types of Treatment Programs https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/drug-addiction-treatment-in-united-states/types-treatment-programs
  5. Drug Free Greater Lowell—About Drug Free Greater Lowell https://drugfreegreaterlowell.org/about-drug-free-greater-lowell/

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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