Exeter, RI Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers

Exeter, Rhode Island has a great many drug rehab options in the surrounding area. Residents in this town can access treatment programs for substance abuse that include inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, and extended care options.

Exeter, Rhode Island is a quaint town with less than 10,000 in the population. This affluent community has its share of problems due to drug and alcohol abuse. Those who want to seek recovery, however, have access to various alcohol and drug treatment programs nearby.

Making a decision to seek addiction treatment in Exeter or in a nearby town is an individual decision. You may decide to seek treatment at home or across the country. Learning all you can about what you should look for in a drug rehab is a great step forward.

What To Look For In A Exeter Rehab Center

There are some key elements that are characteristic of many qualified addiction treatment centers.

Drug and alcohol rehab should include at least a variation of each of the following components:

  • detoxification programming
  • inpatient rehab
  • outpatient rehab
  • residential treatment
  • aftercare treatment

Drug And Alcohol Detox

Making a decision to get help for your or a loved one’s alcohol or drug addiction is a very important first step. Going into a detox center is the next step. In detox, you will stop using the substance you have been abusing. You will also be evaluated to see if you need medication-assisted treatment.

Exeter Inpatient Drug Rehab

Inpatient drug rehab is a continuation of your abstinence from drugs and/or alcohol abuse. Therapeutic measures are employed as well as group or individual therapy. You may be required to attend a 12-step program to give you needed peer support in maintaining abstinence.

Exeter Outpatient Programs

Outpatient programs for substance abuse means that you can go back into the community. You’re no longer in an inpatient treatment setting. You can live in a sober housing facility or you may be able to live at your home. Outpatient treatment has various schedules to meet your individual needs.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment may be a needed component of your drug or alcohol rehab program. Depending upon your individual situation you may be prescribed methadone, Suboxone, or some other medications to alleviate the effects of withdrawal.

Get Help For Substance Abuse In Exeter

Having a variety of phases of drug rehabilitation treatment can be important. Speak with a professional regarding which treatment program may afford you the most benefit. It is an individualized endeavor, and it is critical to get healthy.

Spring Hill Recovery Center is a resource you should choose if you live in Exeter, Rhode Island, and you want to be relatively close to home. It is roughly 100 miles away and takes less than two hours to travel to.

Spring Hill is a comprehensive, yet compassionate recovery program choice. It is a great place to get the help you need to make a fresh start. Contact our addiction treatment helpline now to learn how we can help you find long-term recovery.

  1. Prevent Overdose RI — Get Help https://preventoverdoseri.org/get-help/
  2. Rhode Island Department of Health — Addiction is a Disease: Department of Health https://health.ri.gov/addiction/
  3. Rhode Island Department of Health — Rhode Island Municipality Overdose Data Report EXETER https://health.ri.gov/publications/datareports/2019ExeterOverdose.pdf

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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