What Is Liquid Meth?

Liquid meth is meth that has been dissolved in water. People abuse liquid meth by injecting it, drinking it, and inserting it rectally. Liquid meth is used for several reasons, and all forms of liquid meth use have risks.

Methamphetamine (meth) is a stimulant drug that appears in many forms.

Different forms of meth include powdered meth, crystal meth, and meth in various colors.

In rare cases, a pharmaceutical form of meth is prescribed for narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

In most cases, however, meth is created in a meth lab and used illegally.

One form of meth is called liquid meth, which is a liquified form of the drug.

How Is Liquid Meth Made?

Meth is a water-soluble substance, and as such, it dissolves quickly. To create liquid meth, a person simply needs to add the drug to water.

How Is Liquid Meth Used?

It is possible to eat and drink meth, though this drug use is rarer than other types of methamphetamine use. Once meth is turned into a liquid, a person may drink it immediately.

More commonly, liquid meth is injected into a muscle or vein.

Some people also insert liquid meth rectally using a process called “plugging” or “booty bumping.”

Why Might Somebody Use Liquid Meth?

People use various forms of meth to achieve a euphoric high.

Some common methods of meth abuse include:

People choose methods for different reasons, often to create a specific kind of high or to reduce a specific type of harm caused by other methods.

Liquid meth, when compared to other forms of meth use, may have certain perceived benefits for people who choose this option.

Creating An Intense High

When a person has a meth addiction, some forms of methamphetamine abuse may not create the same high as they did the first time the person used the drug.

Because meth is a stimulant drug, it increases dopamine activity in the brain.

Dopamine is a chemical that performs several functions. It promotes happiness, wakefulness, and motivation.

Meth abuse floods the brain with large amounts of dopamine, but over time, the brain becomes less sensitive to this chemical.

As a result, people who deal with drug addiction may use larger amounts of drugs or different methods to produce a more intense high.

Meth injection, especially intravenous injection, causes a more powerful high than other forms of meth abuse, according to the National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA).

Some people may turn to this method as a last resort when other types of meth use no longer produce the same effect.

Creating A Milder High

In contrast, liquid meth may also be used to create a less intense high than smoking meth or snorting it.

Many forms of meth abuse allow the drug to begin working within minutes.

Drinking liquid meth, however, makes the drug pass through the digestive system before it affects the central nervous system.

As a result, drinking meth creates a slower, milder, and longer-lasting high.

This type of high may appeal to young people or people using illicit drugs for the first time.

Paraphernalia Availability

Different forms of substance use require different types of paraphernalia.

Paraphernalia items are objects that facilitate drug use.

Meth paraphernalia, for instance, can include lighters and glass pipes for smoking, straws for snorting, and syringes for injection.

However, if a person with an addiction does not have access to paraphernalia, they may use alternate methods to relieve drug cravings.

Drinking meth does not require any complex paraphernalia, so some people may use this option when other methods are not available.

Harm Reduction

Some people may choose liquid meth as a means of harm reduction when they want to avoid the side effects created by other methods.

For example, smoking meth can irritate the lungs, especially in people who have allergies or asthma. Snorting meth can cause damage to the sinuses.

Drinking or booty-bumping liquid meth may be used to bypass these specific side effects.


Booty bumping meth creates a high level of bioavailability, which means that a large percentage of the drug is available for the body to use.

Some may choose this method as a way to maximize the effects of the drug.

What Are The Dangers Of Liquid Meth?

Liquid methamphetamine is a highly dangerous drug that impacts both physical health and behavioral health.

Dangers Of Meth

Many of the risks of liquid meth come from the dangers of meth itself.

Some of these risks include:

  • high blood pressure
  • rapid heart rate
  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • meth-related sleep disturbances
  • meth mouth (tooth decay caused by dry mouth and other complications)
  • weight loss and malnutrition
  • heightened body temperature
  • anxiety
  • psychosis
  • brain damage
  • meth withdrawal symptoms when not using the drug
  • meth sores
  • overdose

Dangers Of Injecting Liquid Meth

Meth injection, like other types of drug injection, creates several specific risks.

Most notably, drug injection increases the risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases. Injection can also lead to scarring and vein damage.

Dangers Of Booty Bumping Meth

Booty bumping meth can also increase the risk of HIV and other STIs, as this method creates micro-tears in the rectum.

Booty bumping may also create a higher risk of overdose due to the increased bioavailability.

Dangers Of Drinking Liquid Meth

When people drink meth, the drug comes into direct contact with the digestive organs. As a result, they may experience damage to these organs.

Find Meth Addiction Treatment Options At Spring Hill

No matter the form of meth abuse, meth addiction is a highly dangerous disorder.

However, like other mental health conditions, this disorder can be treated.

Spring Hill Recovery Center uses evidence-based treatment programs, including detox, inpatient care, and outpatient care.

If you or a loved one may need treatment for meth addiction, contact Spring Hill Recovery Center today.

  1. Drug Enforcement Administration — Drug Fact Sheet: Methamphetamine https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/Methamphetamine-2020.pdf
  2. Drug Enforcement Administration — Methamphetamine https://www.dea.gov/factsheets/methamphetamine
  3. Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration — Know The Risks Of Meth https://www.samhsa.gov/meth

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

© 2025 Spring Hill Recovery | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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