Timeline Of Meth Comedown

Meth is a powerful substance with a long comedown period. The withdrawal timeline from a high can last a couple of days to a week, depending on how long meth abuse has transpired. During this process, one can expect extreme tiredness, agitation, and cravings.

Meth’s stimulating effects create a powerful high. Methamphetamine addiction is relatively high among those who experiment with the drug. People may go on binges to avoid a comedown, leading to long-term substance abuse.

Experiencing meth withdrawal symptoms is one of the easiest ways to recognize meth abuse. Withdrawal symptoms arise once drug use has stopped and the body begins to detox.

The meth withdrawal timeline can look different depending on how long meth has been abused. On average, withdrawal from meth can last anywhere from two days to a week.

Often, the comedown period is when people relapse. It’s essential to use a mix of evidence-based treatments, such as meth detox programs, and holistic approaches, such as healthy eating, to safely withdraw.

Read on to learn more about what to expect during the meth comedown timeline.

What Does A Meth Comedown Look Like?

The short-term effects of meth provide someone with bursts of energy, high alertness, and feelings of euphoria.

Compared to other stimulant drugs, such as cocaine, meth’s high lasts much longer. The same can be said regarding its comedown period.

Meth has several effects on the brain. It structurally changes parts of the brain responsible for decision-making and disrupts the brain’s reward system with a high amount of dopamine.

During and after abuse, someone may have difficulty finding joy in other activities. A person may experience uncomfortable psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms over several days or weeks.

12 To 24 Hours After Use

During the first few hours after the last use, a person might still feel lingering side effects of meth while the body starts detoxification.

At once displaying high amounts of energy, they might feel very tired. It’s at this point that behavioral or attitude changes may begin to develop.

With the rapid shift from alertness to tiredness, some feel irritable. If someone cannot secure more drugs to please cravings, agitation may arise.

Two To Three Days After Use

The symptoms of meth withdrawal typically peak on day two or three. Even though fatigue may have subsided, a sense of agitation can mount.

Meth use quickly creates physical dependency, so cravings intensify as the body is left without any substances.

During this period, some feel:

  • difficulty concentrating
  • depressed
  • anxious
  • disrupted thinking patterns
  • an inability to learn and retain information
  • psychosis

Four To Six Days After Use

Physical methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms may subside within four to six days. People can still feel tired up to this point and may have trouble eating whole meals.

However, mental health is still affected. Intense cravings, agitation, and depression may still be prevalent. Some may experience severe depression or suicidal thoughts.

One Week After After Use

After a week from the last dose of meth, many feel a “crash.” This crash isn’t just fatigue — many people feel an overwhelming wave of emotions.

During this period, some feel:

  • a lack of happiness, joy, motivation, hope, or peace
  • severe depression and anxiety
  • increased meth cravings
  • irregular sleep patterns

The crash stage of the detox process is when many people relapse. Avoiding abusing meth as the body detoxes is not easy.

The safest way to detox is in a treatment center. Read on to learn more about addiction treatment methods that can assist with uncomfortable comedown symptoms.

What Is The Safest Way To Withdraw From Meth?

Some decide to quit methamphetamine abuse “cold turkey” from home. Aside from uncomfortable symptoms, dehydration from detox can be life-threatening.

Many who abuse meth may have a substance use disorder. Medical attention, long-form drug addiction treatment, and participation in support groups are recommended to achieve a full recovery.

Detox Centers

Medical detox is the safest way to recover from a meth comedown. Patients are placed in a nurturing environment with trained medical professionals.

In a detox center, patients can expect:

  • 24/7 around-the-clock care, including close medical supervision
  • a drug-free environment that better prevents relapse from drug cravings
  • cognitive-based therapy for behavioral health
  • introduction to long-form treatment and 12-step groups
  • appropriate vitamins to manage physical symptoms

Sleep, Nutrition, And Fluids

Meth decreases one’s appetite and desire to sleep. People who have abused the drug for a long time are often malnourished and suffer from insomnia.

Eating and drinking plenty of water during a comedown is essential. Properly nourishing and hydrating your body can avoid dehydration and make physical symptoms easier to withstand.

The brain and body will also need to catch up on sleep. Set a schedule to rest regularly during a comedown.

Support Groups

12-step groups, such as crystal meth anonymous (CMA), can provide a sense of security, connection, and hope for people with meth addiction.

Members of CMA share their stories of meth abuse and solutions to help others still in addiction. People with years of sobriety can offer help and examples of how to live a life after meth abuse.

By participating in a group centered on spiritual, reflective, and action-based steps, a person in recovery can find freedom from meth abuse and help others with the same issue.

Addiction Treatment In Massachusetts

If you or a loved one are looking for rehab centers in Ashby, MA, we can assist you.

At Spring Hill Recovery Center, we offer many levels of care to help you manage a meth comedown. These include detox centers, inpatient rehab programs, and outpatient treatment options.

Reach out to a specialist today to learn more about our treatment programs.

  1. Better Health Channel — Ice (Crystal Methamphetamine) https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/Ice
  2. Health Direct — Ice (Crystal Meth) https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/ice-crystal-meth
  3. National Institute On Drug Abuse — Methamphetamine DrugFacts https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/methamphetamine

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

© 2025 Spring Hill Recovery | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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