Triazolam (Halcion) Abuse, Addiction, And Treatment Programs
Triazolam (Halcion) is a prescription benzodiazepine drug with a high potential for abuse and addiction. Treatment options for triazolam addiction include medical detox, behavioral therapy, and inpatient rehab.
Triazolam (Halcion) belongs to a class of central nervous system depressants known as benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines, also known as “benzos,” are frequently prescribed to treat anxiety disorders and sleep disorders.
According to the National Library of Medicine, Halcion is primarily prescribed as a short-term treatment for insomnia. Chronic use of Halcion can lead to increased drug tolerance, dependence, and addiction.
At Spring Hill Recovery Center, we understand how difficult it can be to get help for triazolam addiction. Beginning the path towards an addiction-free future is possible.
Here, you’ll find information about Halcion addiction, treatment options, and an overview of our New England drug abuse rehab center.
Types Of Triazolam Abuse
The risk of becoming addicted to Halcion is higher among people who misuse it by taking it in ways other than prescribed.
Signs of triazolam misuse include:
- taking higher doses
- taking it for longer than prescribed
- taking it for reasons other than prescribed
- crushing and snorting tablets
- taking triazolam with other drugs (e.g. alcohol, opioids) to enhance its effects
- forging prescriptions for triazolam
- stealing from someone else’s prescription
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that nearly five million people in the United States misused prescription benzodiazepines like Halcion in 2019.
Although they effectively reduce anxiety and promote drowsiness, benzodiazepines are widely known to be addictive and can cause severe withdrawal with reduced or stopped use.
Halcion Abuse And Addiction
Halcion is the brand name for triazolam, a prescription sedative. Halcion works in the body by acting on the brain’s reward and pleasure system. When misused, Halcion can produce a pleasurable “high” similar to that of alcohol and Xanax—another benzodiazepine drug.
Halcion abuse can quickly lead to increased tolerance, drug dependence, and addiction. Developing greater tolerance for Halcion can require that you take higher doses of the drug to feel the same strength of effects. This can happen in people who take Halcion for medical purposes, as well as those who misuse it.
Physical dependence is when your body becomes used to the presence of a drug in your system. This can cause moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms within hours. Addiction is a physical and psychological condition that can make it very difficult to stop taking Halcion.
People who are addicted to Halcion may crave the drug and feel unable to get through a day without taking it. They may begin to rely on Halcion to sleep, reduce anxiety, or just to feel “normal”.
What Are The Dangers Of Triazolam Abuse?13
Triazolam is a schedule IV controlled substance that can be dangerous when taken in ways other than prescribed by a doctor.
Halcion can not only be addictive. Halcion abuse can cause severe drug dependence, long-term health consequences, and risk for a fatal drug overdose.
Severe Dependence
Taking Halcion for more than a few weeks—even as prescribed—can lead to drug dependence. When misused, people can become dependent on Halcion much quicker.
Benzodiazepine dependence can become severe with chronic use and misuse. This can lead to dangerous withdrawal symptoms if a person attempts to cut their doses or tries to stop taking Halcion on their own.
Drug Overdose
Benzodiazepines like triazolam are involved in about one-third of opioid overdose deaths nationwide. Both of these drugs are depressants that can enhance one another’s effects.
When taken together, these drugs can have severe effects on breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and can cause coma or death in high doses.
Taking Halcion with other drugs, such as alcohol and opioids, can increase your risk of drug overdose. If someone you know is having trouble breathing, has lost consciousness, or is experiencing seizures after taking a high dose of Halcion—call 911 right away.
Harmful Side Effects
Benzodiazepine abuse and dependence has been linked to several harmful side effects. Chronic triazolam use can impair memory, concentration, and decision-making skills. Halcion abuse can also increase one’s risk for falls, lightheadedness, motor vehicle accidents, and sleepwalking.
Treatment For Triazolam (Halcion) Abuse And Addiction
Millions of Americans seek substance abuse treatment each year for addiction to illicit drugs and prescription drugs like triazolam. Millions more live with addiction and do not receive treatment.
Getting treatment for a substance use disorder can be life-changing. While living with prescription drug addiction can make you feel hopeless about finding a way out, overcoming Halcion addiction is possible. For most people, overcoming drug addiction will require some form of treatment.
Treatment programs for Halcion abuse and addiction include:
At Spring Hill, we offer access to detox services, residential rehab, and intensive outpatient treatment for benzodiazepine abuse and addiction.
Benzodiazepine Detoxification
Once addicted to Halcion, it can be difficult to stop taking it. Halcion withdrawal symptoms can become severe without professional medical support. Early symptoms can begin within as little as a few hours after a person’s last dose.
Within a detox program, healthcare professionals can create a customized tapering plan to help you stop using Halcion. They may prescribe supportive medications to ease the discomfort of withdrawal and reduce drug cravings.
Severe symptoms of Halcion withdrawal include suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, and rebound insomnia. In the most serious cases, triazolam withdrawal can also cause seizures, hallucinations, coma, and even death.
Entering a medically supervised detox program can mitigate these risks and provide treatment for you or a loved one going through withdrawal.
Inpatient Treatment
Inpatient treatment programs are the most effective treatment for drug addiction because they can offer a high level of support and structure for people in early addiction recovery.
At Spring Hill, we offer a residential rehab program that can be customized to meet the physical and mental health needs of people who are overcoming an addiction to triazolam.
Within our residential rehab program, you’ll find:
- around-the-clock care
- customized programming
- individual and group counseling
- behavioral therapy
- comfortable and supportive treatment environment
- holistic therapies
- psychiatric support
- mental health treatment
- opportunities for family involvement
Our treatment providers understand the diverse needs of residents who come to our rehab center for treatment. This includes individuals with co-occurring mental health disorders and other chronic health issues that can complicate the treatment and recovery process.
We can work with you to create an addiction recovery plan that works best for you or your loved one.
Outpatient Treatment
After completing inpatient rehab, many people continue their treatment on an outpatient level. At Spring Hill, we offer an intensive outpatient treatment program that involves attending treatment at our facility for a few hours in the afternoon or evening, two to four days a week.
During this time, residents may continue to attend counseling sessions, participate in group therapy, and check in with a doctor or psychiatrist as needed. This can help prevent relapse in early recovery and provide ongoing support.
Continued Care
Before leaving our treatment center, Spring Hill works with patients to coordinate continued care for ongoing support in their recovery journey.
We do this in part by providing patients with access to our alumni recovery support network. This connects current and former patients to recovery support groups and events.
In addition, we also partner with nearby sober living homes for individuals who can benefit from strengthening their recovery in a drug-free living environment.
Begin Your Addiction Recovery At Spring Hill
If you’re looking for Halcion addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one in the Greater New England area, look no further than Spring Hill Recovery Center.
Our accredited Massachusetts treatment center serves the entire New England area. We offer a range of treatment programs for benzodiazepine addiction, including residential rehab and intensive outpatient options.
At Spring Hill, we know that the types of treatment you receive and the quality of that care can be important factors in the addiction recovery process.
To best serve the needs of individuals who come to us for help, we offer a wide array of evidence-based and holistic treatments to heal the mind, body, and spirit in early recovery.
Call us today to learn more about our Halcion addiction treatment programs at Spring Hill.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)—Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators NSDUH 2019
- U.S. National Library of Medicine: MedlinePlus—Triazolam
- U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse—Benzodiazepines and Opioids