Testimonials & Success Stories

Psyched for My Continued Recovery

I have taken so much from Spring Hill. I have received such great advice. I have worked on every suggestion. I have exploded my person and built me back up with new traits. I can listen now. I can be humble now. I can judge my judgment and construct the right picture. I can learn from others. I practice patience. I write everything down so I remember and so I improve. I feel open and I feel exposed. This is good. Others can see my innards. I can see myself. The shields are down, the facades are gone. I know how to be me. I am grateful for others. I am grateful for all of this, for everything I am taking with me. I just plain old feel totally psyched for my continued recovery.

I am so happy that Spring Hill has embraced my family and their aftercare. For the first time, I feel like my family is integrated into my recovery. There is a ton ahead to tackle, but I feel like I am above it, on top of it, and will positively manage it. I know how to reach out for help now. Things will move forward and I am so ready to walk the talk. My story will be so different the moment I leave here. I don’t want to leave, but I am ready to climb back into my life.

My recovery story is powerful now. I have practiced new strategies. I have fine-tuned behaviors. I want to tell everyone about how to use Spring Hill to gain a great advantage on my recovery. I want to talk about the new tools I have to combat my addictions, how to keep that boiling cauldron at bay, how to own with my faith my path to recovery. I know what I am going to do and I feel complete relief. I am my own best friend and cheerleader now, but I will also leave here knowing that every professional and every patient will have my back. Thank you so much for this experience.

-Harry, Spring Hill Alumni 2017

I Finally Got Traction in My Recovery

I came to Spring Hill in July 2013. I had been to too many treatment centers to count when I admitted here. My 22 years as a correctional officer contributed to my alcoholism and with the stress and my drinking, I had liver failure at the age of 40. I managed to stop drinking a number of times but eventually would find myself drinking again unable to stay stopped. My experience at Spring Hill allowed me to finally get traction in recovery. I was close to home so that family could be involved and felt that all of my mind, body, and spiritual needs were met. I continue to be involved in the Spring Hill alumni program and go to speak once a month to existing patients about my journey in recovery.

-David L., Spring Hill Alumni 2013

A Second Chance at Life

I came to Spring Hill in January 2014 with no hope or desire to live a sober life. My plan was to spend 30 days in treatment to get back in my family’s good graces and evade legal consequences. The treatment team at Spring Hill surrounded me with compassion and love. They showed me that I was not only capable of living a better life but I deserved it. Spring Hill taught me the tools to cope with life in recovery and taught me about my disease of addiction. They facilitated my transition into aftercare which provided me the opportunity to utilize these tools in daily living. It has now been almost four years since Spring Hill drastically changed the course of my life. I continue to look back at my time there with gratitude for the compassion I was shown and the life I was given. Upon entering treatment I could only see that I was losing the one thing that ever truly made me feel okay, drugs. I had no idea that I would be gaining a happy family, a steady income and above all else, a peaceful, sound state of mind.

-Samantha C., Spring Hill Alumni 2014

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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