How Long Do Psychedelic Shrooms Stay in Your System?

Shrooms are mushrooms that produce the hallucinogenic chemical psilocybin, which leads to psychedelic effects when consumed.

Psilocybin mushrooms can cause an intense hallucination that lasts up to six hours. They can also cause perceptual changes, such as changes to your vision. The entire experience is known as a “trip” or tripping.

Many people are subject to drug tests for work or legal reasons, and if you’re one of them, then you might be wondering how long psilocybin can show up in your system.

How long drugs show up on a test depends on many factors, including:

  • The drug’s half-life, or how long it takes for half of the drug to leave your system 
  • The dosage and frequency of use
  • The type of drug screening
  • Whether you use other substances 
  • Your metabolism 

Read ahead to learn how long shrooms show up on a drug test and how they leave your body: 

Drug Testing For Shrooms

Most drug testing for legal or employment reasons is done using five-panel or 10-panel drug tests. These tests typically don’t check for psychedelic drug use, including mushrooms and related drugs like LSD (acid).

Despite that, it is possible that psilocybin mushrooms could show up on a drug test if law enforcement, employers, or addiction treatment centers have reason to believe that you’re using them specifically.

How Long Do Shrooms Stay in Your Urine?

Psilocin stays in your urine for 15 to 24 hours after last use. A urine screening for psilocybin is not included on standard five- or 10-panel drug tests but can be ordered by law enforcement if they believe that you’re using psilocybin. 

How Long Do Shrooms Stay in Your Blood?

Like urine, it takes psilocybin and psilocin about 15 hours to leave your bloodstream, so it’s likely to be detected in a blood test for that long. However, blood tests for psilocybin are rarely ordered unless there’s a specific reason to do so. 

How Long Do Shrooms Stay in Your Saliva?

As of 2023, there aren’t any reliable saliva testing methods available commercially for detecting psilocybin use. The drug could be detectable in saliva serum using tests available privately to law enforcement.

How Long Do Shrooms Stay in Your Hair?

Although uncommon and expensive, a hair test can detect psilocybin or psilocin for up to 90 days after last use.

Can You Get Shrooms Out of Your System Faster?

There’s no way to control how fast shrooms leave your system.

That being said, different people detox from shrooms at different rates. The factors that affect detox duration can include:

  • How much you take and how often: Heavy mushroom use can stay in your system for longer, but it’s also less likely to get you tripping in the first place. Psilocybin tolerance can set in after a single trip. 
  • Your health: Bodies that are in better health are faster at processing substances than bodies that aren’t. The factors here can include sleep, hydration, diet, and chronic diseases such as cirrhosis. 
  • Your metabolism: The speed of your metabolism is affected by genetics, weight, and age. It’s not the same for everyone. 

How Long Does It Take For The Effects Of Shrooms To Kick In?

When shrooms reach your stomach, psilocybin (the psychoactive ingredient) starts absorbing into your bloodstream quickly.

Most people begin feeling effects within 30 to 90 minutes once there’s enough psilocybin in the system to affect the serotonin system. Serotonin is a chemical that affects mood and perception, along with other bodily systems.

The body and brain effects you experience can include:

  • Euphoria
  • Ego loss or a loss of the sense of self
  • Feelings of “body load” or physical discomfort and heaviness  
  • Feelings of unity and connection
  • Full sensory hallucinations
  • Introspective thoughts and feelings  
  • Nausea
  • Time distortion or a feeling that time passes very slowly 

How Long Do The Effects Last?

As you feel the effects of shrooms, the amount of psilocybin in your bloodstream gradually rises and reaches a “peak.”

This can take minutes or hours, but you’ll reach a point where effects are at their strongest. Then, they’ll gradually decrease as your liver turns the psilocybin into psilocin, a metabolite or waste product that you excrete in urine.

Depending on the dose, a shroom trip can last six hours or longer. How long it lasts depends on how much you’ve taken and how long since the last time it was taken.

Substance Abuse Treatment

Magic mushrooms don’t cause physical dependence, but that doesn’t mean they’re risk-free. Abusing any substance can cause psychological addiction even without dependence, including shrooms. Addiction is even more likely if you abuse other substances too.

If you’re worried that your shroom use might make you fail a drug test, then it’s time to think about getting help.

Admitting that you have a problem is the first step. The next step is to get that help. Call Spring Hill Recovery Center today to learn about our intake and treatment process.

  1. Verywell Mind: What to know about magic mushroom use
  3. Drug Policy Alliance
  4. ScienceDirect: Psilocybin, an overview

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

© 2024 Spring Hill Recovery | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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