Developing A Healthy Daily Routine In Recovery

Studies show that having a daily schedule during recovery benefits your overall well-being and reduces the risk of relapse. Crafting a structured routine that involves self-care, healthy meals, and an active support system can be life-changing to your recovery efforts.

Creating and managing a healthy daily routine can be challenging for anyone, even more so for those in substance abuse treatment; however, a routine is crucial to staying on track.

Treatment programs help get you started by implementing a set routine and schedule. However, when you leave treatment, it can be challenging to maintain this routine in early recovery.

Despite the initial difficulty, having a consistent daily routine can keep you in the right mindset for recovery and increase your chances of success.

Meal Prep Nutritious Meals

A healthy diet is essential for everyone, but it is even more significant for people during the recovery process.

For proper nutrition, it is essential to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. Planning meals with limited added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat is also helpful.

There are many ideas online to help you begin your meal prepping, but complete meal items like quiche, curry, and stir fry are relatively easy to prep ahead of time and reheat.

For a quick meal with little prep, chopping up chicken or salmon and sauteing them veggies thrown over a buckwheat pasta makes a delicious meal in 15 minutes or less.

Engage In 30 Minutes Of Physical Activity Everyday

To maintain your physical health, increase endorphins to manage stress, and reduce your chances of relapse, an exercise routine that engages you for 30 minutes a day is essential.

High-intensity interval training (HITT) workouts usually last about 20 to 30 minutes and are considered complete workouts that combine aerobic and strength training.

These workouts are an excellent option for someone who doesn’t have much time but wants to stay healthy.

On the weekends or when you have more free time, consider more extended exercise activities such as playing tennis, yard work, hiking, etc.

Practice Mindfulness Before Bed Or First Thing In The Morning

Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress and the effects of mental illnesses that may exacerbate substance use disorders.

Those who practice mindfulness during and after addiction treatment are less likely to react to negative thoughts in times of stress.

Practicing mindfulness before bed or first thing in the morning also encourages compassion toward oneself, fosters self-awareness, and provides a source of emotional grounding.

Maintain Contact With Your Support System

Having someone to talk to can benefit your overall wellness and give you someone to lean on in hard times.

Whether your support system consists of support groups, loved ones, or both, maintaining contact with them is crucial to your sober lifestyle.

Even talking to someone for five minutes a day can be helpful in preventing social isolation, negative thoughts, and other risk factors for relapse.

Continue Mental Health Treatment If Needed

If you are experiencing a comorbid mental health disorder alongside drug or alcohol addiction, it is crucial to treat it along with substance abuse issues.

Like substance use disorders, mental health disorders can be chronic, long-term disorders that require long-term treatment far past the duration of an addiction treatment plan.

Given the connection between poor mental health and substance use, continuing to receive healthcare for a diagnosed mental health condition is essential to maintaining your sobriety.

Throughout your mental health treatment, your healthcare provider can also help you continue to develop coping mechanisms and other skills to reduce relapse risk and promote wellness.

Find Sober Social Activities

Making sober social activities a part of your weekly routine can encourage a healthy lifestyle. In addition to recovery meetings, some support groups organize sober events for attendees.

Sober social activities may include:

  • game nights
  • sober meetups
  • exercise groups
  • book or film clubs
  • cooking classes
  • bowling
  • art classes
  • crafting classes
  • journaling

All these activities can be enjoyed with sober friends or by yourself and can add a sense of purpose and enjoyment to a substance-free lifestyle.

Prioritize Sleep

Another healthy habit to add to your new routine is getting enough sleep, as research shows that people who get enough sleep have better problem-solving abilities, attention, and concentration.

Having a set sleep schedule also reduces stress and anxiety, improves mood, and enhances cognitive functioning, which are all crucial to addiction recovery.

Enhancing cognitive function can help those in recovery make better decisions about their goals and allow them to stay focused on recovery.

Attend Aftercare Meetings And Seek Help When Needed

Recovery meetings and having the proper support system are crucial to sober living.

Attending meetings through Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is effective at helping members maintain abstinence.

In one study, one-third of the members in these groups had achieved between one and five years of abstinence by attending two to four meetings a week.

It is also crucial to seek help when you feel that it is needed in the case of relapse or if you are having trouble staying focused on sober living.

Whether you seek professional help through a treatment center or the help of a sponsor or friend, seeking help when needed can keep you on the right path.

Ask About Substance Abuse Treatment Options At Spring Hill

If you or a family member is ready to attend treatment, we can help. Contact Spring Hill Recovery Center to learn about the substance abuse treatment options we offer.

  1. American Psychological Association (APA),with%20attention%20and%20emotion%20regulation./
  2. Harvard School of Public Health
  3. Mayo Clinic,-good%20neurotransmitters%2C%20called%20endorphins./
  4. National Institute on Aging (NIA)
  5. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
  6. National Library of Medicine: PubMed
  7. National Library of Medicine: PubMed
  8. National Library of Medicine: PubMed
  9. National Library of Medicine: PubMed
  10. National Library of Medicine: PubMed
  11. National Library of Medicine: PubMed
  12. USDA My Plate
  13. USDA My Plate
  14. USDA My Plate
  15. United States Department of Veterans Affairs
  16. Victoria State Government
  17. Victoria State Government

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

Published on: March 1, 2024

© 2024 Spring Hill Recovery | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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