10 Tips On Rebuilding Your Life After Addiction

Rebuilding your life after addiction is no small feat. However, if you stay committed to your sobriety, prioritize self-care, and utilize your support network, long-term recovery is possible.

Attending addiction treatment is difficult, but returning to the real world and rebuilding your life after treatment is yet another challenge for people in addiction recovery.

Rebuilding your life after addiction will take commitment, prioritizing self-care, and having the proper support network, but you can do it.

If you’re struggling, these ten tips can help.

1. Commit To Your Sobriety

Starting a new substance-free life requires a major commitment, and it isn’t easy. Many people have difficulty with cravings, so the coping strategies you develop in treatment will be vital.

Committing to your sobriety often means that you may have to avoid spending time with friends or family members who engage in substance abuse, especially in the early days.

While it is difficult to reduce contact with important people in your life, avoiding triggers like people, places, and paraphernalia that you associate with alcohol or drug addiction is crucial in early recovery.

2. Prioritize Self-Care

Prioritizing self-care is not only vital for maintaining sobriety but is also an essential element in supporting your overall well-being.

Addressing your physical and mental needs can help you avoid stress, which can trigger cravings and increase the risk of relapse.

Practicing self-care can also help with:

  • mental health
  • reducing stress
  • reducing dependency on substances
  • improving social well-being

By taking care of yourself, you can build resilience, boost your self-esteem, and reinforce the belief that you are worthy of a healthy, sober life.

3. Build A Support Network

Building a support network is crucial to maintaining sobriety during your recovery journey. Your support network may include support groups, new sober friends, and established loved ones.

Research demonstrates that supportive family relationships result in fewer family issues, less recurring drug abuse, and reduced mental health issues three months after initiating substance abuse treatment.

Peer support systems such as 12-step programs, including Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), have also been shown to have a positive impact on sustaining recovery.

4. Seek Ongoing Treatment For Underlying Issues

Seeking ongoing treatment for your substance use disorder, mental health issues, or other underlying issues can be helpful if you find sober living challenging.

Ongoing treatment may include attending a support group or going to an outpatient treatment for medication-assisted treatment (MAT), therapy, or other treatment services.

Through aftercare, you can continue building up your coping skills and working on your mental health.

5. Set Goals Big And Small

Goal setting in recovery can help people figure out the steps they need to take to accomplish long-term recovery.

The benefits of setting goals during recovery include:

  • helping the person focus on the future and present
  • not dwelling on the past
  • developing patience
  • creating a sense of pride when they reach their goals

Having practical goals in recovery has been shown to reduce substance use. Setting goals also allows the patient to see how far they have come in their recovery journey.

6. Practice Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Practicing healthy coping mechanisms can keep you on track and help you avoid relapse.

Getting proper exercise and maintaining a healthy diet can help your energy levels, self-confidence, and the ability to cope with triggers.

Finding a new hobby, such as art, music, journaling, or reading, may help you cope with cravings and the urge to use drugs or alcohol.

Attending events with sober friends can act as a healthy coping mechanism by reducing stress.

7. Create A Repeatable Routine

Creating a repeatable routine helps you establish a rhythm to your days. Unstructured time can cause restlessness and boredom, which can lead to relapse.

Creating a routine may involve regular exercise, a consistent sleep schedule, healthy eating, meditation, support groups, hobbies, and activities.

Patterns and routines will help those in treatment prioritize success by encouraging healthy coping mechanisms.

8. Cultivate Positive Thinking

A positive outlook in recovery can lead to improved physical health and overall well-being.

Studies have shown that positive thinking skills influence levels of hope and quality of life among those living with addiction.

Positive thinking is thought to help those living with addiction by identifying their capabilities and strengths as well as creating a more optimistic outlook for the future.

9. Seek Help When Needed

If you feel like you are struggling during recovery, it is essential to ask for help.

Recovery can be challenging, and it is critical to be honest with yourself when you are struggling to prevent relapse.

Whether this means seeking professional help, the help of a sponsor, or an old friend, having someone to lean on is crucial to staying sober.

10. Stay Persistent

Recovery doesn’t end after attending a treatment program. Staying persistent is the key to living an addiction-free life.

To stay persistent, you have to decide to stop addictive behaviors and choose a healthier lifestyle.

There are a variety of frustrations you may experience in recovery, including triggers and cravings.

Staying persistent in recovery means pushing through these frustrations and continuing along the path of recovery.

Learn More About Addiction Recovery In Massachusetts

If you or a loved one is living with addiction and ready to pursue recovery, we can help. Contact Spring Hill Recovery Center to learn about our treatment programs.

  1. Mental Health America https://mhanational.org/setting-goals-recovery/
  2. National Library of Medicine: Bookshelf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559031/
  3. National Library of Medicine: PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4553654/
  4. National Library of Medicine: PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8671316/
  5. National Library of Medicine: PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2856126/
  6. National Library of Medicine: PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5047716//
  7. National Library of Medicine: PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9926005/
  8. National Library of Medicine: PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7813220/
  9. National Library of Medicine: PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5894791/
  10. SMART Recovery https://smartrecovery.org/blog/value-of-persistence-in-addiction-recovery#:~:text=At%20SMART%20Recovery%20we%20emphasize,most%20important%20values%20to%20follow./
  11. The Yale Ledger https://campuspress.yale.edu/ledger/why-is-self-care-important-in-recovery/

Written by Spring Hill Recovery Editorial Team

Published on: February 29, 2024

© 2025 Spring Hill Recovery | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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